Saturday, 31 January 2015


It's been bothering me for a while now that I feel like I've stopped creating things. I'm such a procrastinator but have also caught my self out making a lot of fair-weather excuses, like not having the time, or equipment, or people to film/photograph. One of my absolute loves is editing- I just find it so relaxing/comforting/satisfying. 

So yesterday instead of dreaming of the 'big things' I want to one day achieve I decided to start with a little thing... So I got out my camera and decided that it was time to just film, whatever was around me, no excuses. And this is what I ended up with... 

I guess my message to myself is to stop pushing oppurtunies away and to stop waiting for things to happen. If you really want to create so badly, then why aren't you. So now, you are.


Saturday, 3 January 2015


Sunday 4th,  January of the new year, 2015.
I'm not really big on the new years fresh start/resolutions thing, but I have jotted down a few things that I'd like to keep in mind over the year...

    - I can't remember who was the first person I heard saying this (maybe Louise, SprinkleOfGlitter), but I thought it was just such a funny and real way of phrasing the 'yes-man' idea. Say yes to more things, be more open to frightening experiences, relax and engage with people who you do not know but one day might. There is no better way to expand your life than to dive into it with reckless abandon.

2. SAY NO.
    - Perhaps a little confusingly contradictory, but this one is to remember that saying no is completely okay and sometimes good for your mental health and wellbeing. If something is stressing you and making you anxious then you are allowed to retreat if purely for your own peace of mind. Never do anything because someone else wants or expects you too, only do as you want.

    - I read something once along the lines of 'reveal almost nothing about yourself, it drives people insane', so this becomes the first part of the resolution... Being mysterious is one of my greatest trials as I am such a brash and open book, and the first time I meet someone I basically recount my entire life story, fears, secrets, and speculations for the future. But there is something really special about someone who keeps a lil more just to themselves, and an intrigue that drives you to get to know them. The second part is to still remain honest and open and truthful, tell everything, but only to some! Choose widely who you share your everything with. So essentially, still be your true self around everyone, but in doses, I suppose..? Be selective about who you tell all the gritty detail of your life. Very Parisian!

4. Mini creative resolutions.
    - more photography
    - make more films
    - get involved in more theatre!
    - sing more
    -write more
    -pray more

    -The last one is a little different from my usual whimsical words- and that is go get fit! However, within a very specific boundary. As of tomorrow I am starting the Kayla Itsines BBG workout guid thingy's and plan to STICK THE HELL WITH IT!!!! So hopefully I'll see some great change on a body I haven't been too happy with of late. With a body that's fitter and stronger I m hoping I'll feel less tired and fatigued all the time and also that I'll finally feel confident to dress the way I do in my head.

I have a real feeling about this year, that I've never had about any other before it. So here's to potential, commitment, honesty, mystery, happiness and hopefully a spectacular year x

(pic is Belle in Suzi's old kitchen, 2012)